Sunday, July 11, 2010

Good Morning from Piura! We have already had such an unforgettable time here! Yesterday, as the plane made it's descent into Piura, I looked out the window, and all that I saw was desert. After a few minutes, small buildings and mostly dirt roads came into view. I must admit, that at that moment, I got a pit in the center of my stomach! That feeling, however, only lasted for a few minutes, for as we walked off the plane, there was a group of people waiting for us; all smiling and holding brightly colored signs with our names as well as carrying balloons! They were actually jumping up and down a little, too! The "welcoming committee" took my worries away! They were all so happy and gracious! As soon as we loaded all of our luggage into the church van (skillfully driven through these tiny and crowded streets by Ginet, the Director of the Parish staff) we were given a quick tour of Piura. We arrived at the church, which is in the center of town, and Padre Joe was preparing to say Mass for a parishioner, who just turned 90. I think over the next week we will attend many Masses! Last night, we attended a very festive Mass (couldn't understand a word of it) and today we will attend Mass in a smaller village, followed by a trip to an orphanage and some shopping in a local artist's market! I have so much more to share, like the cold shower I took this morning, but I'll stop for now! Take Care!

1 comment:

  1. It is going to be awesome. I am so proud of you guys.
