Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Building houses

Trent, Sarah, Reese, Preston, Kelly and I spent the morning building.. Really adding on to an existing home. The existing home was so pristine in such a "raw" way with dirt floors and cornhusk walls. The beautiful mom was there with her work gloves pitching in, along with her very hard working son(wearing a Kiss shirt). The front room of their two room home was the kitchen along with living room. One corner had a nativity village scene... The Peruvian people have such strong faith. This family was lucky enough to have electricity so they had a refrigerator, but no sink and no water. My biggest mystery is how they keep soooo clean with clothing that is soooo clean! They have dirt floors for goodness sake! We go back after lunch to finish the house! One day and the house is I finished. I am very thankful that dr Randall suggested that I miss clinic today to experience this! Sitting in the back of the pickup on the way back for lunch, we did a beetles song....carpenters song....Simon and garfunkel song..... Sounds like Kelly and I were choosing the songs, huh? Amy v

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  1. I'm sure the Peruvian people loved the singing even more than the new house!


  2. Maybe you'll get to finish your serenade on the flight home! Safe travel one and all.
